A 'website' is a document or a set of documents and/or electronic files published on the Internet, on the World Wide Web, a telecommunications network that enables access to this document from anywhere and with any device that allows it. Your ‘website’ is your business card over the internet and it can be indexed or included in the major web directories.
The domain name will be the Internet address that will identify your website. This domain name will be linked to an activity or territoriality. A 'domain' can also include subdomains.
Your website (the files that configure your website) must be hosted on a 'server computer', in order to 'offer' them to anyone who visits your website. This server computer is called 'hosting'.
If you wish to work or communicate with a personalized email account with your domain name (@domain), these email accounts must be created following the syntax of the contracted domain.
The design of your website is edited online or offline. Subsequently, once this design is completed, it is published on the Internet. We offer 'responsive' design aimed at mobile devices.
We can currently use different digital communication channels, all of them at our fingertips. A strategy will have to be defined that will satisfy your users and that adjusts to their budgetary possibilities.
Web maintenance
The publication of your website on the Internet will be immediate. And subsequently, any modifications and updates that you wish to add will also be possible.
The contents of your website must be attractive and reusable through other digital media, so as to minimize the cost of its development and editing.
Once your website has been published, you need to promote it, and an important promotion strategy is to use your own social and professional networks.
We design and manage websites: domain and hosting, creation and configuration of email accounts and finally, publishing your website on the Internet.
From a website it is possible to make known your business, your establishment or your company, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This will allow you to inform about your products, your schedules, your activities, your offers, your contact details..., uninterruptedly, online and for any computer user, or tablet or smartphone user.
A great web design can help you build user trust and foster customer loyalty. A well-designed website projects professionalism and credibility, which generates confidence in all customers and encourages them to interact with your business, company or entity.
Finally, investing in a quality web design is an strategic decision that can make a big difference and have a great impact. Not only does it improve the user experience, but it can also increase their loyalty and your corporate visibility online.
It is a decision worth considering in order to have a solid and effective presence in today's digital environment.
(some content has been generated with an ia text editor)
We are open to collaborate in design and management of personal or professional small website projects.
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